Swim Team
Hello Swimmers!
Swim Coaches: Julie DiCicco & Lee Schwartzman
Welcome to the 2024 Pine Acres swim season. We are very enthusiastic about the upcoming season and welcome the challenges it will bring. We welcome swimmers of all abilities and want the beginner to feel as comfortable as the most advanced swimmer. Our primary goal as a coaching staff is to make this swim season fun and enjoyable for all our swimmers by providing a relaxed and team-oriented atmosphere.
Cost per participant is $60.
Family Max is $200.
*Checks should be made payable to Pine Acres.
Upcoming 2024 Dates
First day of AM practice
Monday, June 17th
2024 Swim Team Practice
Swimmers are encouraged to attend as many practices as possible.
*Please note new age groups
ROOKIES/ 8 and under: Practice Monday-Friday, from 8:15a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Rookies are participants new to competitive swimming. If you are unsure if your child should attend Rookie practice, please contact our Head Coach, Julie Dicicco Rogers at Julie.dicicco.rogers@gmail.com
9-12 years old: Practice Monday-Friday, from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
13 years old and older: Practice Monday-Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. *Dry land workout 9:30-9:45)
Note: Ages assigned to each practice session may be adjusted based on the number of swimmers enrolled in each age group.
Practice will be held in the rain. The only time practice would be cancelled would be in the event of thunder or lightning. If practice is cancelled, an email blast will be sent out as soon as the decision has been made.
Please contact our Swim Board Member at pineacresswimteam@gmail.com with questions.
2024 Swim Meet Schedule
Saturday 6/22 TEAM OFF
Wednesday 6/26 Swim Meet AWAY vs Glenbrook 5pm (4:15pm warm-up)
Saturday 6/29 Swim Meet HOME vs. Minnechaug 9am (8:15am warm-up)
Saturday 7/6 Swim Meet AWAY vs South Windsor 9am (8:15am warm-up)
Wednesday 7/10 Swim Meet AWAY vs Woodledge 5pm (4:15pm warm-up)
Saturday 7/13 Swim Meet HOME vs. Pine Brook 9am (8:15am warm-up)
Wednesday 7/17 Swim Meet HOME vs Orchard Hill 5pm (4:15pm warm-up)
Championships AWAY Saturday 7/27 Rain Date Sunday 7/28 @ Glenbroke
2024 Away Meet Info
Orchard Hill: 295 Overlook Road Glastonbury, CT
South Windsor: 2965 Ellington Road South Windsor, CT
Woodledge: 1005 Hopewell Road South Glastonbury, CT
Minnechaug: 980 Manchester Road Glastonbury, CT
Pine Brook: 252 Forest Lane Glastonbury, CT
Glenbrooke: 429 Oak Street East Hartford, CT
If you have attended a swim meet at Pine Acres, you know it takes many volunteers to run a meet. The success of our swim program and meets depends upon the involvement of parent volunteers. The clubs are required to supply volunteers to help run each meet. Some of the jobs are: timers, runners who collect cards from timers and deliver to scoring table, Cards-handing cards to swimmers for their events, and Ribbons-applying stickers to placement ribbons and filing in team box. These are all “on the job training” positions that require no previous experience. Thank you in advance for all of your help! Volunteer signups will be done through SignUp Genius.