Tennis Team
PA Interclub Youth Tennis Team
Our Junior Interclub Tennis competes against 10 other local teams in the Wes Clark Summer League. The team season runs 6 weeks from June 25th through July 25th. Participants are members only, age 8-17, who are able to serve and keep score (or with coach approval). Everyone will have an opportunity to play.
Practices every Monday & Wednesday
Beginning 6/17/24 from 1-3pm
(unless a match is taking place and team will be notified).
Home and Away Matches every Tuesday and Thursday at 1–3:30pm. JV Team will play at HOME when Varsity team is AWAY.
*See Club calendar for Varsity and JV Match dates
Tennis Team Registration
Complete and return at the first team practice on June 17th, along with your check for $40.
Team-only Membership for 12 years+ is being offered again in 2024. Contact Membership or Andrew Salak/Mike Fisher - Tennis for more information.
Tennis Team Shirt
This year 2 versions of a team shirt will be available in both polo and t-shirt styles, with the Pine Acres logo. If your shirt still fits you from last year, please feel free to use that this year. A team shirt is encouraged for those participating on the tennis team.